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Payment Integrations

Enable integration with a Payment Processing solution and collect payments for Projects, Contracts, and Calls with minimal effort

Written by Ashok P
Updated over 11 months ago

As the owner (Administrator) of your D-Tools Cloud account, you can enable integrations with some popular Payment Processing solutions. Integration with a payment processing solution not only lets you collect payments directly from Cloud but also will let Cloud automate the tracking of payment requests made for Projects, Service Contracts, and Service Calls.

* Payment Integrations are available only for paid D-Tools Cloud subscriptions.

Supported Integrations

Currently, we support integrations with Clover Connect, Stripe, and ProPay for businesses listed in the US.

If you are not currently using a payment processing solution, we recommend you check out the following links and choose a solution that best suits your needs.

There are two steps to making a payment integration fully functional and available for collecting payments.

1 - Enable Integration

Payment integrations can be enabled from "Integration > Manage Integrations" under Settings.

By enabling the integration with your preferred payment processing solution, you use the payment processing capabilities that come as part of your subscription with the solution.

*D-Tools does not store any transaction information related to the payments on Cloud. All sensitive information is sent directly to your Payment Processor.

Payment integrations are available only for our paying customers and can be enabled from "Integration > Manage Integration" under Settings.

While it is common to enable one integration, you can enable more than one and select the integration you want to use when you create and share payment requests.

2 - Configure Integration

After you enable the integration of your choice, the relevant tile in the Payment Integrations group will show a 'Settings' button. In the Settings modal, you can configure the following:

  • If the integration is the default option for collecting the initial deposit during the Proposal Acceptance process when you have enabled more than one integration.

  • The payment modes available for the customer are Check, Credit Card, and In-Person.

Collect Payments

After enabling and configuring the integration, you can use the relevant solution to:

Collect the Initial deposit

When the customer accepts and signs the proposal as part of the Proposal Acceptance process, Cloud will prompt the customer to make the initial deposit through the payment solution.

Collect Other Payments

Every payment request you create for a project, contract, or call will have the option to select the enabled payment integrations.

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