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Updating an incomplete payment request

How to delete an incomplete or erroneous payment request and create a new one

Written by Ashok P
Updated over 10 months ago

There may be times when a service call is complete, but the call log is not. This may be due to the unavailability of an Internet connection for the technician at the work site to update the log or because the technician did not add all the details in the log.

Cloud locks the editing capabilities of the service call once you create the payment request for the call. So, it is good practice to double-check the work summary and the labor, drive, and other fees involved in a call before creating a payment request.

Check out these articles for more details about double-checking labor and other fees in the Office user view.

If you come across a situation where you discover that the call log is incomplete after creating the request, you will need to delete the request and create a new one.

1 - Click "View Payment Request" in the top-right corner of the call to open the request.

2 - On the payment request, click the "Settings" icon in the top-right corner and click "Delete" to delete the erroneous request. This will make way to create a new request for the call.

3 - Make the changes in the call log as needed and click "Request payment" in the top-right corner to create a new request.

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