Cloud's "Project Time Tracking" functionality can be used to create daily attendance timesheets for Office Users and Field Users working in your company.
To add an attendance time entry, go to "Reports > Time Entries" in the left navigation menu and click "Add time entry" at the top right corner.
1/ Select "General."
This will open the modal to add the attendance time entry.
2/ Retain your name or select the resource whose attendance time entry you want to add.
3/ Add the date(s).
To add a day's attendance, select only the "From Date" in the "Date(s)" text box.
To add a week's attendance, select "From Date" and "To Date."
4/ Now, either add the daily stipulated hours in the "Hours Worked" text box or add the "Start Time" and "End Time." For example, "08:00" or select "9:00 AM" to "5:00 PM" to add a day's attendance.
5/ Unselect "Billable."
5/ Do not add anything in the Cost Per Hour text box, and do not select anything in the Labor Type dropdown.
6/ Click "Add" to add the attendance time entries.
You will now see one row for each date you specified in the time entry. These rows will show the icon for General time entries, indicating that the entries are not factored as project hours.
For example, if you are adding weekly attendance, you will see 5 rows of time entries.
At the end of the month, you can select a resource in the Filters menu at the top or filter by Type = General and export the attendance for the month.