There are many reasons for editing or updating items after adding them to the quote—feedback from reviews, changes in the scope of the project, product unavailability, better products, upselling, and price changes.
Cloud displays all the details of an item in its side panel. The side panel opens upon clicking on the item in the quote, and you can update the item in the side panel. Once you make the updates, click anywhere outside the side panel, and Cloud will automatically save the changes for the item.
Some editing options are also available upon clicking the 3-dot menu of the item. Clicking an option in the 3-dot menu also opens the side panel to make the edits.
The following tables list the options to edit products, packages, alternate sets, and labor Types from the side panel.
These are the options available for editing a product added to the quote.
Add accessoriesCloud allows you to add accessories to an item in the catalog itself. If you want to add or update accessories within the quote, click "Add accessories," find them, and add them.
The accessories will be listed below the parent item.
Learn more about adding accessories. Replace itemIf you want to replace an item because it is unavailable or discontinued, click "Replace," find the replacement item, and replace it.
You have the option to replace the item in just one location, multiple locations, or all locations in the quote.
Learn more about replacing items. Change item quantityWhen the scope of the project changes, you can increase or decrease the item quantity in the "Quantity" text box.
Mark item as client-selectable
If you want to present an additional item that the customer may want to include in the project, select the "Client-Selectable" option.
In the proposal, Client-Selectable items are shown as "Optional," and the customer has the option to select them and add them to the project. Change cost and priceIf you have to change the cost, price, and other price details that came from the Catalog, do so in the "Pricing Summary" and "Pricing Details" sections.
Two typical scenarios for changing prices are when you want to offer a discount or fix item validation errors in the quote.
Learn more about Item Validation settings. Add discountCloud allows you to add multiple levels of discounts in the quote, such as a discount for an item and an adjustment for the total price on the quote.
To apply a discount for an item, select or add the discount in the "Discount" dropdown.
Check out these articles for more details about discounts. |
Apply Tax ratesIf you have set the quote for applying tax individually on items, you can apply the tax rate for the item from the "Tax" dropdown. Update laborIf you have enabled Category Rule-based labor in the catalog, Cloud will show the recommended labor time for the item in the Labor section.
You have the option to add more labor or edit the recommended labor types and hours.
Learn more about Category Rules. Add Alternate itemsIf you want to suggest some alternates for an item, click "Add client selectable item options" under Alternate Items and add as many alternates as you want.
In the proposal, the alternates will be shown below the actual item, and customers will have the ability to choose from the alternates.
Learn more about adding Alternate Items. Change groupingIf you need to move an item to a different location, system, or phase in the quote, use the dropdowns in the Group section to do so. |
Packages and Alternate Sets
These are the unique editing options for editing a package or alternate set.
Add itemsThis is a provision to add more items to the package or alternate set you have added to the quote. Click "Add item" and add as many items as you want to the package or the set.
The added items will be listed below the parent package or set. Change pricing methodIf you want to change the method used to compute the price of the package or alternate set, you have the option to do so from the "Pricing" dropdown.
If you want to factor in the product or labor tax for the items in the package or alternate set, select "Compute from items." Otherwise, select "Fixed price."
Labor types
These unique editing options are available for editing labor types added as line items to the quote.
Change labor rateThe labor type you add to a quote will come with the price set in the catalog. If you want to change this or add more hours to a labor type, you can do so in the Labor Price section. Replace labor typesThis is similar to replacing an item in the quote. You have the option to replace the labor type in just one location, multiple locations, or all locations in the quote.
Learn more about managing Labor on Cloud. |
A generic option for any type of item is "Delete from quote." This can be used to delete the item from the selected location, system, or phase.