D-Tools has partnered with many suppliers to help you choose the best deal when ordering products. Some of these suppliers ship products using preferred carriers. For such suppliers, you will see preconfigured shipping methods on their Supplier details page under "Settings > Catalog > Suppliers." ADI and SnapOne are two such suppliers.
Add custom shipping methods
For suppliers who have not specified their carriers to D-Tools, you will need to add custom shipping methods. Before you add custom shipping methods, contact the suppliers or go through their websites and check what shipping methods they support.
To add a custom shipping method, go to "Order > Shipping Methods" under Settings and click "New shipping method." Add a name that users can easily identify when selecting the method in the purchase order (PO).
*Once added, let your Project Managers and Order Management team know about the pricing and conditions of the different shipment methods.
Select default shipping method
You can set a specific shipping method as the default for a supplier. This method will appear on POs as the default shipping method.
To set a default shipping method for a supplier, go to "Catalog > Suppliers" under Settings, click the 3-dot menu, and "Edit" for the supplier. This opens the modal with all the details of the supplier.
Now, click "Edit" in the Ordering Defaults section of the modal, and select the default shipping method.
*For suppliers such as ADI and SnapOne, you will see the preconfigured methods that the Cloud team has added. For other suppliers, you can choose from one of the custom shipping methods you have added.
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