Opportunities are seldom fixed in their scope. After the site visit or a look at the Floor plan and the initial requirements, you may see ways to suggest additions and grow the size of the Opportunity. Customers may be willing to stretch their budget based on internal approvals and the value of the suggested additions.
Mark as Optional
You can mark an Item, Location, or System as "Optional" in the shared proposal. By default, the pricing for optional Items is not factored into the Total Value shown in the proposal. If your customer accepts an additional item, its prices get added to the Total Value.
While this is the default behavior for optional items, you have the option to include optional items by default and allow customers to opt out of items they do not want in the project.
Location or System
To mark an entire location or system as optional, click its 3-dot menu and toggle "Client selectable option" to ON.
If you want the optional location or system to be added to the Total Value by default, toggle "Include location/system by default" to ON.
The optional location or system will show a Blue icon, and all items in it will show the Blue "Optional" label.
In the following example, "Bay1" is a client-selectable location that is added to the proposal by default.
To mark an item as optional, go to the List view of the items under Design, click the item to open its sidebar, and toggle "Client selectable option" to ON. You can even add a note for the customer explaining why the item is an excellent addition to the project.
If you want the optional item to be added to the Total Value by default, toggle "Include item by default" to ON.
The optional Item will show a Blue "Optional" label.
In this example, the Luma camera is an optional item that is added to the proposal by default.
How Customers Select Optional Items
When customers see the shared proposal or when you are presenting it, they can review and accept the optional items, locations, and systems before accepting the proposal. The price of the accepted items is factored into the Total Value shown in the shared proposal.
Accept/Remove Optional Location
In the proposal, the customers will see an "Add to quote" button for locations/systems that are not included by default and a "Remove from quote" link if included by default.
They have the option to accept or remove locations/systems as needed.
Accept/Remove Optional Item
In the proposal, the customers will see optional items that are not included by default are up for selection and those included by default can be unselected and removed from the Total Value.
Customer wants to Accept all Optional Items
If you have already shared the proposal and the customer wants to accept all optional items, you can do this without asking the customer to accept it themselves.
Toggle all optional Items and Locations to OFF. The customer will not see any items as Optional in the proposal. This is because the changes you make in the quote are seen in real time in the shared proposal.