To sign up for a D-Tools account, you will go to the URL, and you will go to the signup form. You may also be referred to the application from the D-Tools or other partners' websites.
Creating a D-Tools Cloud account is a two-step process—Email verification and Adding the Company profile.
Email verification
You'll need access to your email inbox to fetch the verification code.
Enter your email and click the "Next" button.
Enter your Full Name, create a password, and confirm that password.
Take the verification code from your email and add it to the Enter verification code box.
Click the Verify button, and you will see your email is verified.
Adding the Company profile
After you verify your email, you will be taken further in the account creation process.
Here you will go through the process of entering your Company information and your Business information, then configuring your account. Answering these questions will configure your account, so you don't have to do all the setup work other tools have you go through. The more data you enter here, the less you will do later.
First time on the Dashboard
After your account is created, you will land on an empty dashboard. You will notice a few things right away:
A guide on what to do first - Create an opportunity, build a quote, and present a proposal.
In-app guidance has tooltips to help you get started and learn the software with our help. You can go through the flow or dismiss it.
Intercom - You can always ask D-Tools support questions through Intercom.