Everyone here at D-Tools is committed to providing all the help you need to utilize the D-Tools Cloud solution fully. We have the following channels to provide help.
The quickest way to get help is to use our in-app Chat. To access the chat while on Cloud, click the Chat icon in the lower right-hand corner.
This will connect you to our Support team, who will happily help you with best practices, troubleshoot issues, or simply answer your questions. You can also chat with us to let us know how we're doing.
If you don't feel like chatting, email us at cloud@d-toolshelp.com, and our Support team will follow up with you by email or phone.
Knowledge Base
If you don't want to contact us and simply want to read up on Cloud features, you can go to our Help Center. We have how-to articles, best practices, FAQs, and other in-depth information about Cloud.
Video Library
We host webinars on YouTube demonstrating new features added to Cloud and tips and tricks about using them effectively. You can access all our webinars here.
Our paid customers get email invites to the webinars. Another way to get webinar updates is by subscribing to our YouTube channel.